R for Data Science

Make sure to select R kernel in JupyterLab in order to run this notebook (Kernel -> Change Kernel ... -> R).

If you cannot find the R kernel in your JupyterLab, see this following link to install it.


For reproducibility, we display the system information.

In [1]:
R version 4.2.1 (2022-06-23)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin17.0 (64-bit)
Running under: macOS Big Sur ... 10.16

Matrix products: default
BLAS:   /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/4.2/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] fansi_1.0.3     utf8_1.2.2      digest_0.6.29   crayon_1.5.1   
 [5] IRdisplay_1.1   repr_1.1.4      lifecycle_1.0.1 jsonlite_1.8.0 
 [9] evaluate_0.15   pillar_1.7.0    rlang_1.0.4     cli_3.3.0      
[13] uuid_1.1-0      vctrs_0.4.1     ellipsis_0.3.2  IRkernel_1.3   
[17] tools_4.2.1     glue_1.6.2      fastmap_1.1.0   compiler_4.2.1 
[21] base64enc_0.1-3 pbdZMQ_0.3-7    htmltools_0.5.2

Typical workflow for a data science project

Source: R for Data Science.


  • tidyverse is a collection of R packages for data ingestion, wrangling, and visualization.

  • The lead developer Hadley Wickham won the 2019 COPSS Presidents’ Award (the Nobel Prize of Statistics)

for influential work in statistical computing, visualization, graphics, and data analysis; for developing and implementing an impressively comprehensive computational infrastructure for data analysis through R software; for making statistical thinking and computing accessible to large audience; and for enhancing an appreciation for the important role of statistics among data scientists.

  • Install the tidyverse ecosystem by install.packages("tidyverse"). You don't need to install on the server since it's already installed there.
In [2]:
# load the tidyverse ecosystem
── Attaching packages ─────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse 1.3.1 ──

 ggplot2 3.3.6      purrr   0.3.4
 tibble  3.1.7      dplyr   1.0.9
 tidyr   1.2.0      stringr 1.4.0
 readr   2.1.2      forcats 0.5.1

── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
 dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
 dplyr::lag()    masks stats::lag()

Inspect MIMIC data files

In [3]:
# getwd() to check the current working directory, setwd() to change it
# path to the MIMIC data
if (Sys.info()["nodename"] == "RELMDOMFAC30610") {
    # DOMStat laptop
    mimic_path <-  "/Users/huazhou/Desktop/mimic-iv-1.0"
} else if (Sys.info()["user"] == "jovyan") {
    # workshop server
    mimic_path <- "/home/shared/1.0"

MIMIC directory structure

We run the Bash command tree -s -L 2 /Users/huazhou/Documents/Box Sync/MIMIC/mimic-iv-1.0 to display the MIMIC directory structure. The number in front of each data file indicates its file size (in bytes).

In [4]:
# tree -s -L 2 /Users/huazhou/Documents/Box\ Sync/MIMIC/mimic-iv-1.0
# only work on system (Linux or MacOS) with `tree` command installed
cat(system(str_c("tree -s -L 2 ", shQuote(mimic_path)), intern = TRUE), sep = '\n')
[        288]  /Users/huazhou/Desktop/mimic-iv-1.0
├── [       2518]  LICENSE.txt
├── [       2459]  SHA256SUMS.txt
├── [        192]  core
│   ├── [   17208966]  admissions.csv.gz
│   ├── [        606]  index.html
│   ├── [    2955582]  patients.csv.gz
│   └── [   53014503]  transfers.csv.gz
├── [        672]  hosp
│   ├── [     430049]  d_hcpcs.csv.gz
│   ├── [     863239]  d_icd_diagnoses.csv.gz
│   ├── [     579998]  d_icd_procedures.csv.gz
│   ├── [      14898]  d_labitems.csv.gz
│   ├── [   29531152]  diagnoses_icd.csv.gz
│   ├── [   11684062]  drgcodes.csv.gz
│   ├── [  515763427]  emar.csv.gz
│   ├── [  476252563]  emar_detail.csv.gz
│   ├── [    2098831]  hcpcsevents.csv.gz
│   ├── [       2325]  index.html
│   ├── [ 2091865786]  labevents.csv.gz
│   ├── [  171624288]  labevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz
│   ├── [   99133381]  microbiologyevents.csv.gz
│   ├── [  422874088]  pharmacy.csv.gz
│   ├── [  501381155]  poe.csv.gz
│   ├── [   24020923]  poe_detail.csv.gz
│   ├── [  367041717]  prescriptions.csv.gz
│   ├── [    7750325]  procedures_icd.csv.gz
│   └── [    9565293]  services.csv.gz
├── [        384]  icu
│   ├── [ 2350783547]  chartevents.csv.gz
│   ├── [   40348871]  chartevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz
│   ├── [      55917]  d_items.csv.gz
│   ├── [   43296273]  datetimeevents.csv.gz
│   ├── [    2848628]  icustays.csv.gz
│   ├── [       1103]  index.html
│   ├── [  352443512]  inputevents.csv.gz
│   ├── [   37095672]  outputevents.csv.gz
│   └── [   20567368]  procedureevents.csv.gz
└── [        797]  index.html

3 directories, 35 files

Data files (csv.gz) are grouped under three directories; core, hosp, and icu.

Most relevant to this tutorial are icustays.csv.gz, admissions.csv.gz, patients.csv.gz, and chartevents.csv.gz. Let's first peek into the content of each file, by calling Bash commands within R. Before that, we introduce the pipe, which is heavily used in this tutorial.


Pipe linearizes nested function calls and makes complex code more readable. It enables cleaner code by.

  1. structuring sequences of data operations left-to-right (as opposed to from the inside and out),
  2. avoiding nested function calls,
  3. minimizing the need for local variables and function definitions, and
  4. making it easy to add steps anywhere in the sequence of operations.

Pipe exists in many languages: Linux (|, >, <, >>), R (%>% implemented in the magrittr package in tidyverse), and Julia (|>).

For example, the following nested code calls three R functions in sequence: (i) str_c function to construct proper Bash command (a string) to run, (ii) system function to run the Bash command, and (iii) cat function to properly break lines in the Bash command output.

cat(system(str_c("zcat < ", shQuote(str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/icustays.csv.gz")), " | head"), intern = TRUE), sep = `\n`)

Using pipe %>%, the following code achieves the same purpose

str_c("zcat < ", shQuote(str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/icustays.csv.gz")), " | head") %>%
    system(intern = TRUE) %>%
    cat(sep = '\n')


Each row is an ICU stay. One patient can have multiple ICU stays during one hospital admission.

In [5]:
str_c("zcat < ", shQuote(str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/icustays.csv.gz")), " | head") %>%
    system(intern = TRUE) %>%
    cat(sep = '\n')
17867402,24528534,31793211,Trauma SICU (TSICU),Trauma SICU (TSICU),2154-03-03 04:11:00,2154-03-04 18:16:56,1.5874537037037035
14435996,28960964,31983544,Trauma SICU (TSICU),Trauma SICU (TSICU),2150-06-19 17:57:00,2150-06-22 18:33:54,3.025625
17609946,27385897,33183475,Trauma SICU (TSICU),Trauma SICU (TSICU),2138-02-05 18:54:00,2138-02-15 12:42:05,9.741724537037038
18966770,23483021,34131444,Trauma SICU (TSICU),Trauma SICU (TSICU),2123-10-25 10:35:00,2123-10-25 18:59:47,0.35054398148148147
12776735,20817525,34547665,Neuro Stepdown,Neuro Stepdown,2200-07-12 00:33:00,2200-07-13 16:44:40,1.6747685185185184
10215159,24283593,34569476,Trauma SICU (TSICU),Trauma SICU (TSICU),2124-09-20 15:05:29,2124-09-21 22:06:58,1.2926967592592593
14489052,26516390,35056286,Trauma SICU (TSICU),Trauma SICU (TSICU),2118-10-26 10:33:56,2118-10-26 20:28:10,0.4126620370370371
15914763,28906020,36909804,Trauma SICU (TSICU),Trauma SICU (TSICU),2176-12-14 12:00:00,2176-12-17 11:47:01,2.9909837962962964
16256226,20013290,39289362,Neuro Stepdown,Neuro Stepdown,2150-12-20 16:09:08,2150-12-21 14:58:40,0.9510648148148149


Each row is a hospital admission. One patient can be admitted multiple times.

In [6]:
str_c("zcat < ", shQuote(str_c(mimic_path, "/core/admissions.csv.gz")), " | head") %>%
    system(intern = TRUE) %>%
    cat(sep = '\n')
14679932,21038362,2139-09-26 14:16:00,2139-09-28 11:30:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,SINGLE,UNKNOWN,,,0
15585972,24941086,2123-10-07 23:56:00,2123-10-12 11:22:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,WHITE,,,0
11989120,21965160,2147-01-14 09:00:00,2147-01-17 14:25:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,UNKNOWN,,,0
17817079,24709883,2165-12-27 17:33:00,2165-12-31 21:18:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,OTHER,,,0
15078341,23272159,2122-08-28 08:48:00,2122-08-30 12:32:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN,,,0
19124609,20517215,2169-03-14 12:44:00,2169-03-20 19:15:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,UNKNOWN,,,0
17301855,29732723,2140-06-06 14:23:00,2140-06-08 14:25:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,WHITE,,,0
17991012,24298836,2181-07-10 20:28:00,2181-07-12 15:49:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,WHITE,,,0
16865435,23216961,2185-07-19 02:12:00,2185-07-21 11:50:00,,ELECTIVE,,HOME,Other,ENGLISH,,WHITE,,,0


Each row is a unique patient.

In [7]:
str_c("zcat < ", shQuote(str_c(mimic_path, "/core/patients.csv.gz")), " | head") %>%
    system(intern = TRUE) %>%
    cat(sep = '\n')
10000048,F,23,2126,2008 - 2010,
10002723,F,0,2128,2017 - 2019,
10003939,M,0,2184,2008 - 2010,
10004222,M,0,2161,2014 - 2016,
10005325,F,0,2154,2011 - 2013,
10007338,F,0,2153,2017 - 2019,
10008101,M,0,2142,2008 - 2010,
10009872,F,0,2168,2014 - 2016,
10011333,F,0,2132,2014 - 2016,


Each row is a specific vital reading during an ICU stay.

In [8]:
str_c("zcat < ", shQuote(str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/chartevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz")), " | head") %>%
    system(intern = TRUE) %>%
    cat(sep = '\n')
10003700,28623837,30600691,2165-04-24 05:30:00,220045,65
10003700,28623837,30600691,2165-04-24 05:38:00,223761,97.6
10003700,28623837,30600691,2165-04-24 06:00:00,220045,56
10003700,28623837,30600691,2165-04-24 06:09:00,220045,55
10003700,28623837,30600691,2165-04-24 07:00:00,220045,57
10003700,28623837,30600691,2165-04-24 07:00:00,223761,97.8
10003700,28623837,30600691,2165-04-24 08:00:00,220045,56
10004235,24181354,34100191,2196-02-24 16:39:00,220045,136
10004235,24181354,34100191,2196-02-24 17:00:00,220045,134

Dictionary for itemid is provided by the d_items.csv.gz file.

In [9]:
str_c("zcat < ", shQuote(str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/d_items.csv.gz")), " | head") %>%
    system(intern = TRUE) %>%
    cat(sep = '\n')
220003,ICU Admission date,ICU Admission date,datetimeevents,ADT,,Date and time,,
220045,Heart Rate,HR,chartevents,Routine Vital Signs,bpm,Numeric,,
220046,Heart rate Alarm - High,HR Alarm - High,chartevents,Alarms,bpm,Numeric,,
220047,Heart Rate Alarm - Low,HR Alarm - Low,chartevents,Alarms,bpm,Numeric,,
220048,Heart Rhythm,Heart Rhythm,chartevents,Routine Vital Signs,,Text,,
220050,Arterial Blood Pressure systolic,ABPs,chartevents,Routine Vital Signs,mmHg,Numeric,90,140
220051,Arterial Blood Pressure diastolic,ABPd,chartevents,Routine Vital Signs,mmHg,Numeric,60,90
220052,Arterial Blood Pressure mean,ABPm,chartevents,Routine Vital Signs,mmHg,Numeric,,
220056,Arterial Blood Pressure Alarm - Low,ABP Alarm - Low,chartevents,Alarms,mmHg,Numeric,,

In this tutorial, let's just focus on the following vitals:

  • 220045 for heart rate

  • 223761 for Temperature Fahrenheit

In [10]:
select_chart_itemid <- c(220045,223761)
  1. 220045
  2. 223761

Ingest data as tibbles

tibbles (from tidyverse) are enhanced dataframes from R.

read_csv function is the main engine in readr package for importing csv files.

  • read_csv handles the gz files seamlessly.

  • read_csv parses the column data types based on the first batch of rows (guess_max argument, default 1000). Most times it guesses the column data type right. If not, use the col_types argument to explicitly specify column tpyes. Use ?read_csv to see details.


In [11]:
icustays_tbl <- 
    read_csv(str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/icustays.csv.gz")) %>%
    print(width = Inf)
Rows: 76540 Columns: 8
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr  (2): first_careunit, last_careunit
dbl  (4): subject_id, hadm_id, stay_id, los
dttm (2): intime, outtime

 Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
 Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 76,540 × 8
   subject_id  hadm_id  stay_id first_careunit          
        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>                   
 1   17867402 24528534 31793211 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 2   14435996 28960964 31983544 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 3   17609946 27385897 33183475 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 4   18966770 23483021 34131444 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 5   12776735 20817525 34547665 Neuro Stepdown          
 6   10215159 24283593 34569476 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 7   14489052 26516390 35056286 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 8   15914763 28906020 36909804 Trauma SICU (TSICU)     
 9   16256226 20013290 39289362 Neuro Stepdown          
10   19194449 21641999 39387567 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)
   last_careunit            intime              outtime               los
   <chr>                    <dttm>              <dttm>              <dbl>
 1 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2154-03-03 04:11:00 2154-03-04 18:16:56 1.59 
 2 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2150-06-19 17:57:00 2150-06-22 18:33:54 3.03 
 3 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2138-02-05 18:54:00 2138-02-15 12:42:05 9.74 
 4 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2123-10-25 10:35:00 2123-10-25 18:59:47 0.351
 5 Neuro Stepdown           2200-07-12 00:33:00 2200-07-13 16:44:40 1.67 
 6 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2124-09-20 15:05:29 2124-09-21 22:06:58 1.29 
 7 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2118-10-26 10:33:56 2118-10-26 20:28:10 0.413
 8 Trauma SICU (TSICU)      2176-12-14 12:00:00 2176-12-17 11:47:01 2.99 
 9 Neuro Stepdown           2150-12-20 16:09:08 2150-12-21 14:58:40 0.951
10 Coronary Care Unit (CCU) 2123-11-12 02:53:35 2123-11-12 13:52:03 0.457
# … with 76,530 more rows


In [12]:
admissions_tbl <- 
  read_csv(str_c(mimic_path, "/core/admissions.csv.gz")) %>%
  print(width = Inf)
Rows: 523740 Columns: 15
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr  (7): admission_type, admission_location, discharge_location, insurance,...
dbl  (3): subject_id, hadm_id, hospital_expire_flag
dttm (5): admittime, dischtime, deathtime, edregtime, edouttime

 Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
 Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 523,740 × 15
   subject_id  hadm_id admittime           dischtime           deathtime
        <dbl>    <dbl> <dttm>              <dttm>              <dttm>   
 1   14679932 21038362 2139-09-26 14:16:00 2139-09-28 11:30:00 NA       
 2   15585972 24941086 2123-10-07 23:56:00 2123-10-12 11:22:00 NA       
 3   11989120 21965160 2147-01-14 09:00:00 2147-01-17 14:25:00 NA       
 4   17817079 24709883 2165-12-27 17:33:00 2165-12-31 21:18:00 NA       
 5   15078341 23272159 2122-08-28 08:48:00 2122-08-30 12:32:00 NA       
 6   19124609 20517215 2169-03-14 12:44:00 2169-03-20 19:15:00 NA       
 7   17301855 29732723 2140-06-06 14:23:00 2140-06-08 14:25:00 NA       
 8   17991012 24298836 2181-07-10 20:28:00 2181-07-12 15:49:00 NA       
 9   16865435 23216961 2185-07-19 02:12:00 2185-07-21 11:50:00 NA       
10   13693648 21640725 2111-01-30 23:43:00 2111-02-02 13:03:00 NA       
   admission_type admission_location discharge_location insurance language
   <chr>          <chr>              <chr>              <chr>     <chr>   
 1 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 2 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 3 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 4 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 5 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 6 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 7 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 8 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
 9 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
10 ELECTIVE       NA                 HOME               Other     ENGLISH 
   marital_status ethnicity              edregtime edouttime
   <chr>          <chr>                  <dttm>    <dttm>   
 1 SINGLE         UNKNOWN                NA        NA       
 2 NA             WHITE                  NA        NA       
 3 NA             UNKNOWN                NA        NA       
 4 NA             OTHER                  NA        NA       
 5 NA             BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN NA        NA       
 6 NA             UNKNOWN                NA        NA       
 7 NA             WHITE                  NA        NA       
 8 NA             WHITE                  NA        NA       
 9 NA             WHITE                  NA        NA       
10 NA             WHITE                  NA        NA       
 1                    0
 2                    0
 3                    0
 4                    0
 5                    0
 6                    0
 7                    0
 8                    0
 9                    0
10                    0
# … with 523,730 more rows


In [13]:
patients_tbl <- 
    read_csv(str_c(mimic_path, "/core/patients.csv.gz")) %>%
    print(width = Inf)
Rows: 382278 Columns: 6
── Column specification ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────
Delimiter: ","
chr  (2): gender, anchor_year_group
dbl  (3): subject_id, anchor_age, anchor_year
date (1): dod

 Use `spec()` to retrieve the full column specification for this data.
 Specify the column types or set `show_col_types = FALSE` to quiet this message.
# A tibble: 382,278 × 6
   subject_id gender anchor_age anchor_year anchor_year_group dod   
        <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>             <date>
 1   10000048 F              23        2126 2008 - 2010       NA    
 2   10002723 F               0        2128 2017 - 2019       NA    
 3   10003939 M               0        2184 2008 - 2010       NA    
 4   10004222 M               0        2161 2014 - 2016       NA    
 5   10005325 F               0        2154 2011 - 2013       NA    
 6   10007338 F               0        2153 2017 - 2019       NA    
 7   10008101 M               0        2142 2008 - 2010       NA    
 8   10009872 F               0        2168 2014 - 2016       NA    
 9   10011333 F               0        2132 2014 - 2016       NA    
10   10011879 M               0        2158 2014 - 2016       NA    
# … with 382,268 more rows


chartevents.csv.gz is a gzipped file of size 2.36GB (329,499,788 rows). Can we even read it?

Reading in the chartevents.csv.gz turns out to be challenging. The following code reads only 4 columns

chartevents_tbl <- 
        str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/chartevents.csv.gz"),
        col_select = c(stay_id, itemid, charttime, valuenum),
        col_types = cols_only(
            stay_id = col_double(), 
            itemid = col_double(), 
            charttime = col_datetime(), 
            valuenum = col_double()

and took >10 minutes to run on my computer (Intel i7-6920HQ CPU @ 2.90GHz, 16GB RAM). Please do NOT try to run it on the server. The main constraint is memory size. read_csv is designed to read the whole dataset into memory, and struggles if the data size is bigger than memory. One solution to this data volume issue is database, which we will briefly mention later.

For this tutorial, we prepared a smaller chart event data file chartevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz, which only contains the chart items we are interested in:

  • 220045 for heart rate
  • 223761 for Temperature Fahrenheit

On my computer, it takes around 15 seconds to ingest this reduced data file.

In [14]:
# ingest the reduced chart event data
chartevents_tbl <- 
        str_c(mimic_path, "/icu/chartevents_filtered_itemid.csv.gz"),
        col_types = cols_only(
            stay_id = col_double(), 
            itemid = col_double(), 
            charttime = col_datetime(), 
            valuenum = col_double()
    ) %>%
    print(width = Inf)
# A tibble: 8,394,031 × 4
    stay_id charttime           itemid valuenum
      <dbl> <dttm>               <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 30600691 2165-04-24 05:30:00 220045     65  
 2 30600691 2165-04-24 05:38:00 223761     97.6
 3 30600691 2165-04-24 06:00:00 220045     56  
 4 30600691 2165-04-24 06:09:00 220045     55  
 5 30600691 2165-04-24 07:00:00 220045     57  
 6 30600691 2165-04-24 07:00:00 223761     97.8
 7 30600691 2165-04-24 08:00:00 220045     56  
 8 34100191 2196-02-24 16:39:00 220045    136  
 9 34100191 2196-02-24 17:00:00 220045    134  
10 34100191 2196-02-24 17:16:00 220045    144  
# … with 8,394,021 more rows
   user  system elapsed 
 12.755  13.059   3.649 
In [15]:
# heart rate readings for a specific stay
# try add colour = charttime, shape = factor(charttime) in geom_point(aes())
chartevents_tbl %>%
    filter(stay_id == 30600691, itemid == 220045) %>%
    print(width = Inf) %>%
    ggplot() + 
        geom_point(mapping = aes(x = charttime, y = valuenum), size=4)+
         theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
               axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14),
               axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
               axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14))
# A tibble: 5 × 4
   stay_id charttime           itemid valuenum
     <dbl> <dttm>               <dbl>    <dbl>
1 30600691 2165-04-24 05:30:00 220045       65
2 30600691 2165-04-24 06:00:00 220045       56
3 30600691 2165-04-24 06:09:00 220045       55
4 30600691 2165-04-24 07:00:00 220045       57
5 30600691 2165-04-24 08:00:00 220045       56

Target cohort

We aim to develop a predictive model, which computes the chance of dying within 30 days of ICU stay intime based on baseline features

  • first_careunit
  • age at intime
  • gender
  • ethnicity
  • first measurement of the following vitals since ICU stay intime
    • 220045 for heart rate
    • 223761 for Temperature Fahrenheit

We restrict to the first ICU stays of each unique patient.

Wrangling and merging tibbles

Our stragegy is

  1. Identify and keep the first ICU stay of each patient.

  2. Identify and keep the first vital measurements during the first ICU stay of each patient.

  3. Join four tibbles into a single tibble.

Important data wrangling concepts: group_by, arrange, slice, joins, and pivot.

Step 1: restrict to the first ICU stay of each patient

icustays_tbl has 76,540 rows, which is reduced to 53,150 unique ICU stays.

See reference links for related concepts:




In [16]:
icustays_tbl_1ststay <- 
    icustays_tbl %>%
    # first ICU stay of each unique `subject_id`
    group_by(subject_id) %>%
#     slice_min(intime) %>% # this function takes LONG
#     slice_max(n = 1, order_by = desc(intime)) %>% # this faster, but still lower than below
    arrange(intime, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    slice_head(n = 1) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    print(width = Inf)
# A tibble: 53,150 × 8
   subject_id  hadm_id  stay_id first_careunit                                  
        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>                                           
 1   10000032 29079034 39553978 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 2   10000980 26913865 39765666 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 3   10001217 24597018 37067082 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)             
 4   10001725 25563031 31205490 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MICU/SICU)
 5   10001884 26184834 37510196 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 6   10002013 23581541 39060235 Cardiac Vascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)    
 7   10002155 23822395 33685454 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)                        
 8   10002223 22494570 39638202 Trauma SICU (TSICU)                             
 9   10002348 22725460 32610785 Neuro Intermediate                              
10   10002428 28662225 33987268 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
   last_careunit                                    intime             
   <chr>                                            <dttm>             
 1 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2180-07-23 14:00:00
 2 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2189-06-27 08:42:00
 3 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)              2157-11-20 19:18:02
 4 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MICU/SICU) 2110-04-11 15:52:22
 5 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2131-01-11 04:20:05
 6 Cardiac Vascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)     2160-05-18 10:00:53
 7 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)                         2129-08-04 12:45:00
 8 Trauma SICU (TSICU)                              2158-01-15 08:01:49
 9 Neuro Intermediate                               2112-11-30 23:24:00
10 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2156-04-12 16:24:18
   outtime               los
   <dttm>              <dbl>
 1 2180-07-23 23:50:47 0.410
 2 2189-06-27 20:38:27 0.498
 3 2157-11-21 22:08:00 1.12 
 4 2110-04-12 23:59:56 1.34 
 5 2131-01-20 08:27:30 9.17 
 6 2160-05-19 17:33:33 1.31 
 7 2129-08-10 17:02:38 6.18 
 8 2158-01-16 15:19:24 1.30 
 9 2112-12-10 18:25:13 9.79 
10 2156-04-17 15:57:08 4.98 
# … with 53,140 more rows

Step 2: restrict to the first vital measurements during the ICU stay

Key data wrangling concepts: select, left_join, right_join, group_by, arrange, pivot

See reference links for related concepts:




In [17]:
# Be patient here. It takes some time (~30 seconds)
chartevents_tbl_1ststay <-
    chartevents_tbl %>%
    # pull in the intime/outtime of each ICU stay
    right_join(select(icustays_tbl_1ststay, stay_id, intime, outtime), by = c("stay_id")) %>%
    # only keep items during this ICU intime
    filter(charttime >= intime & charttime <= outtime) %>%
    # group by itemid
    group_by(stay_id, itemid) %>%
    # only keep the first chartime for each item
    # slice_min(charttime, n = 1) %>% # this function takes forever
    # top_n(-1, charttime) %>% # this function takes forever
    arrange(charttime, .by_group = TRUE) %>%
    slice_head(n = 1) %>%
    # do not need charttime and intime anymore
    select(-charttime, -intime, -outtime) %>%
    ungroup() %>%
    pivot_wider(names_from = itemid, values_from = valuenum) %>%
    # more informative column names
        heart_rate = `220045`,
        temp_f = `223761`
    ) %>%
    print(width = Inf)
# A tibble: 53,135 × 3
    stay_id heart_rate temp_f
      <dbl>      <dbl>  <dbl>
 1 30000153        104   99.1
 2 30000646        100   98.8
 3 30001148         80   95.6
 4 30001336         65   98.5
 5 30001396         86   98.8
 6 30001446         82   98.1
 7 30001656         99   98.9
 8 30001947        105   97.9
 9 30002415         80   97.6
10 30002498         81   97.8
# … with 53,125 more rows

Step 3: merge tibbles

New data wrangling concept: mutate.

See the reference link here: https://dplyr.tidyverse.org/reference/mutate.html

In [18]:
mimic_icu_cohort <- 
    icustays_tbl_1ststay %>%
    # merge tibbles
    left_join(admissions_tbl, by = c("subject_id", "hadm_id")) %>%
    left_join(patients_tbl, by = c("subject_id")) %>%
    left_join(chartevents_tbl_1ststay, by = c("stay_id")) %>%
    # age_intime is the age at ICU stay intime
    mutate(age_intime = anchor_age + lubridate::year(intime) - anchor_year) %>%
    # whether the patient died within 30 days of ICU stay intime
    mutate(hadm_to_death = ifelse(is.na(deathtime), Inf, deathtime - intime)) %>%
    mutate(thirty_day_mort = hadm_to_death <= 2592000) %>%
    print(width = Inf)
# A tibble: 53,150 × 31
   subject_id  hadm_id  stay_id first_careunit                                  
        <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <chr>                                           
 1   10000032 29079034 39553978 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 2   10000980 26913865 39765666 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 3   10001217 24597018 37067082 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)             
 4   10001725 25563031 31205490 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MICU/SICU)
 5   10001884 26184834 37510196 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
 6   10002013 23581541 39060235 Cardiac Vascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)    
 7   10002155 23822395 33685454 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)                        
 8   10002223 22494570 39638202 Trauma SICU (TSICU)                             
 9   10002348 22725460 32610785 Neuro Intermediate                              
10   10002428 28662225 33987268 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              
   last_careunit                                    intime             
   <chr>                                            <dttm>             
 1 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2180-07-23 14:00:00
 2 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2189-06-27 08:42:00
 3 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)              2157-11-20 19:18:02
 4 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MICU/SICU) 2110-04-11 15:52:22
 5 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2131-01-11 04:20:05
 6 Cardiac Vascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)     2160-05-18 10:00:53
 7 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)                         2129-08-04 12:45:00
 8 Trauma SICU (TSICU)                              2158-01-15 08:01:49
 9 Neuro Intermediate                               2112-11-30 23:24:00
10 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)               2156-04-12 16:24:18
   outtime               los admittime           dischtime          
   <dttm>              <dbl> <dttm>              <dttm>             
 1 2180-07-23 23:50:47 0.410 2180-07-23 12:35:00 2180-07-25 17:55:00
 2 2189-06-27 20:38:27 0.498 2189-06-27 07:38:00 2189-07-03 03:00:00
 3 2157-11-21 22:08:00 1.12  2157-11-18 22:56:00 2157-11-25 18:00:00
 4 2110-04-12 23:59:56 1.34  2110-04-11 15:08:00 2110-04-14 15:00:00
 5 2131-01-20 08:27:30 9.17  2131-01-07 20:39:00 2131-01-20 05:15:00
 6 2160-05-19 17:33:33 1.31  2160-05-18 07:45:00 2160-05-23 13:30:00
 7 2129-08-10 17:02:38 6.18  2129-08-04 12:44:00 2129-08-18 16:53:00
 8 2158-01-16 15:19:24 1.30  2158-01-15 08:00:00 2158-01-20 19:29:00
 9 2112-12-10 18:25:13 9.79  2112-11-30 22:22:00 2112-12-10 17:56:00
10 2156-04-17 15:57:08 4.98  2156-04-12 14:16:00 2156-04-29 16:26:00
   deathtime           admission_type              admission_location    
   <dttm>              <chr>                       <chr>                 
 1 NA                  EW EMER.                    EMERGENCY ROOM        
 2 NA                  EW EMER.                    EMERGENCY ROOM        
 3 NA                  EW EMER.                    EMERGENCY ROOM        
 4 NA                  EW EMER.                    PACU                  
 5 2131-01-20 05:15:00 OBSERVATION ADMIT           EMERGENCY ROOM        
 7 NA                  EW EMER.                    PROCEDURE SITE        
 8 NA                  EW EMER.                    EMERGENCY ROOM        
10 NA                  EW EMER.                    EMERGENCY ROOM        
   discharge_location           insurance language marital_status
   <chr>                        <chr>     <chr>    <chr>         
 1 HOME                         Medicaid  ENGLISH  WIDOWED       
 2 HOME HEALTH CARE             Medicare  ENGLISH  MARRIED       
 3 HOME HEALTH CARE             Other     ?        MARRIED       
 4 HOME                         Other     ENGLISH  MARRIED       
 5 DIED                         Medicare  ENGLISH  MARRIED       
 6 HOME HEALTH CARE             Medicare  ENGLISH  SINGLE        
 8 HOME                         Other     ENGLISH  NA            
 9 HOME HEALTH CARE             Medicare  ENGLISH  SINGLE        
   ethnicity              edregtime           edouttime          
   <chr>                  <dttm>              <dttm>             
 1 WHITE                  2180-07-23 05:54:00 2180-07-23 14:00:00
 2 BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN 2189-06-27 06:25:00 2189-06-27 08:42:00
 3 WHITE                  2157-11-18 17:38:00 2157-11-19 01:24:00
 4 WHITE                  NA                  NA                 
 5 BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN 2131-01-07 13:36:00 2131-01-07 22:13:00
 6 OTHER                  NA                  NA                 
 7 WHITE                  2129-08-04 11:00:00 2129-08-04 12:35:00
 8 UNABLE TO OBTAIN       2158-01-15 06:49:00 2158-01-15 07:36:00
 9 WHITE                  2112-11-30 15:08:00 2112-11-30 23:24:00
10 WHITE                  2156-04-12 09:56:00 2156-04-12 17:11:00
   hospital_expire_flag gender anchor_age anchor_year anchor_year_group
                  <dbl> <chr>       <dbl>       <dbl> <chr>            
 1                    0 F              52        2180 2014 - 2016      
 2                    0 F              73        2186 2008 - 2010      
 3                    0 F              55        2157 2011 - 2013      
 4                    0 F              46        2110 2011 - 2013      
 5                    1 F              68        2122 2008 - 2010      
 6                    0 F              53        2156 2008 - 2010      
 7                    0 F              80        2128 2008 - 2010      
 8                    0 M              21        2158 2008 - 2010      
 9                    0 F              77        2112 2017 - 2019      
10                    0 F              80        2155 2011 - 2013      
   dod        heart_rate temp_f age_intime hadm_to_death thirty_day_mort
   <date>          <dbl>  <dbl>      <dbl>         <dbl> <lgl>          
 1 NA                 91   98.7         52          Inf  FALSE          
 2 NA                 77   98           76          Inf  FALSE          
 3 NA                 86   98.5         55          Inf  FALSE          
 4 NA                 55   97.7         46          Inf  FALSE          
 5 2131-01-20         38   98.1         77        13015. TRUE           
 6 NA                 80   97.2         57          Inf  FALSE          
 7 2131-03-10         68   95.9         81          Inf  FALSE          
 8 NA                100   98.6         21          Inf  FALSE          
 9 NA                 72   97.9         77          Inf  FALSE          
10 NA                124  103.          81          Inf  FALSE          
# … with 53,140 more rows

Data visualization

It is always a good idea to visualize data as much as possible before any statistical analysis.

Remember we want to model:

thirty_day_mort ~ first_careunit + age_intime + gender + ethnicity + heart_rate + temp_f

Let's start with a numerical summary of variables of interest.

In [19]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
    ) %>%
    # convert strings to factor for more interpretable summaries
    mutate_if(is.character, as.factor) %>%
                                          first_careunit  gender   
 Medical Intensive Care Unit (MICU)              :10233   F:23353  
 Cardiac Vascular Intensive Care Unit (CVICU)    : 9450   M:29797  
 Medical/Surgical Intensive Care Unit (MICU/SICU): 8833            
 Surgical Intensive Care Unit (SICU)             : 8249            
 Trauma SICU (TSICU)                             : 6965            
 Coronary Care Unit (CCU)                        : 6100            
 (Other)                                         : 3320            
                  ethnicity       age_intime       heart_rate    
 WHITE                 :35668   Min.   : 18.00   Min.   :  0.00  
 UNKNOWN               : 5827   1st Qu.: 54.00   1st Qu.: 74.00  
 BLACK/AFRICAN AMERICAN: 4874   Median : 66.00   Median : 85.00  
 OTHER                 : 2537   Mean   : 64.47   Mean   : 87.47  
 HISPANIC/LATINO       : 1827   3rd Qu.: 78.00   3rd Qu.: 99.00  
 ASIAN                 : 1564   Max.   :102.00   Max.   :941.00  
 (Other)               :  853                    NA's   :15      
 Min.   :  0.00  
 1st Qu.: 97.60  
 Median : 98.10  
 Mean   : 98.03  
 3rd Qu.: 98.70  
 Max.   :106.00  
 NA's   :954     

Do you spot anything unusual?

Consider the practical meaning when you analyze real data sets.

Univariate summaries

Bar plot of first_careunit

Set your own theme to make your plots look good to you.

In [20]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
    ggplot() + 
    geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = first_careunit)) + 
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1, size=10), 
         axis.title.x = element_text(size = 14),
         axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
         axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14))

Histogram and boxplot of age_at_intime

In [21]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
    ggplot() + 
    geom_histogram(mapping = aes(x = age_intime), binwidth = 5)+
             theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
                   axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14),
                   axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
                   axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14))
In [22]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
    ggplot() + 
    geom_boxplot(mapping = aes(y = age_intime))+
    theme(axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
                   axis.text.x = element_text(size = 14),
                   axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
                   axis.text.y = element_text(size = 14))


  1. Summarize discrete variables: gender, ethnicity.
  2. Summarize continuous variables: heart_rate, temp_f.
  3. Is there anything unusual about temp_f?

Bivariate summaries

Tally of thirty_day_mort vs first_careunit.

In [23]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = first_careunit, fill = thirty_day_mort)) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1, size=13),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13),
In [24]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = first_careunit, fill = thirty_day_mort), position = "fill") + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1, size=13),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13),

Tally of thirty_day_mort vs gender

In [25]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = gender, fill = thirty_day_mort)) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1, size=13),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13),
In [26]:
mimic_icu_cohort %>%
  ggplot() + 
  geom_bar(mapping = aes(x = gender, fill = thirty_day_mort), position = "fill") + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, vjust = 0.5, hjust=1, size=13),
       axis.title.x = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.title.y = element_text(size = 18),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 13),


  1. Graphical summaries of thirty_day_mort vs other predictors.

Data quality control (QC) and imputation (self study)

Necessary steps before any analytics include

  • exclude samples and variables with many missing values
  • fix data entry errors, e.g., temp_f
  • impute missing values

Data analytics (self study)

tidymodels is an ecosystem for:

  1. build and fit a model.

  2. beature engineering: coding qualitative predictors, transformation of predictors (e.g., log), extracting key features from raw variables (e.g., getting the day of the week out of a date variable), interaction terms, etc.

  3. evaluate model using with resampling.

  4. tuning model parameters.

Database - revisiting chartevents.csv.gz

Recall that we had trouble ingesting the chartevents.csv.gz (2.36GB gzipped file, 329,499,788 rows) by read_csv. The solution is database. Set up Google BigQuery and demonstrate wrangling the chartevents data.

  1. What is Google BigQuery? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d3MDxC_iuaw&ab_channel=GoogleCloudTech
  2. Google BigQuery tutorial? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MH5M2Crn6Ag&ab_channel=MeasureSchool

Pros and Cons of R


1) An open-source language: no need for a license or a fee.

2) A platform-independent language: run easily on Windows, Linux, and Mac.

3) Exemplary support for data wrangling and visiualization.

4) A language of statistics.


1) Data handling: data stored in physical memory.

2) Slow speed.